Harford announced the appointment of Dr. Diane Ryan to the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs effective January 8. As the Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Ryan will oversee and direct all functions related to student learning and faculty advocacy.
The College’s Foundation announced the 2024 ATHENA Leadership Award finalists. Recipients personify the highest level of professional excellence, promote leadership opportunities for individuals, and provide valued service to the community.
Hosted by Harford’s Nursing and Allied Health Professions division, the fall 2023 Nursing Class Pinning Ceremony for 49 proud and happy associate degree nursing graduates was held last month at the Amoss Center in Bel Air.
Join us for “The Piano Men Starring Jim Witter” on January 7 at 3 PM at the Amoss Center. This musical celebration of the 1970s, from the songbooks of Billy Joel and Elton John, salutes two of our most popular contemporary songwriters.
The National College Testing Association has awarded certification to Harford’s Test Center. Criteria are rigorous and based on NCTA’s Professional Standards and Guidelines that oversee the delivery of quality postsecondary testing programs.
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 12 beginning at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format; employees and community members may join the meeting in person in Edgewood Hall, Room 132 or watch the meeting via the Internet.
The World-Famous Harlem Globetrotters make their triumphant return to Harford’s APGFCU Arena with their 2024 global tour on Wednesday, February 21, at 7 PM. Have fun with the players on the court pre-game with a 30-minute “Magic Pass!”
Thirteen graduates of Harford’s Medical Assisting Program were celebrated at a ceremony held in Darlington Hall. They completed 160 hours of practicum in 2023 in physicians’ offices across Harford County after finishing their coursework.
Celebrate the season and knock out a few items on your gift shopping list at the same time! Harford's College Store in the Student Center is having their Ultimate End-of-Year Sale through December 21.
The 2023 Harford Leadership Academy (HLA) annual graduation banquet was held on November 2 at the Richlin Ballroom in Edgewood.