Test Centers
For those needing to schedule a GED® or noncredit industry credential exam, you must do so through the Pearson Vue Test Center, located in Edgewood Hall. The Pearson Vue Test Center is operated independent of the main campus Test Center. For those scheduling placement or credit-bearing exams, or those needing testing accommodations or proctoring services, continue with the information below.
Harford Community College's main Test Center is located on campus in Maryland Hall.
It is used primarily by prospective and current credit students for placement testing, prior learning assessment, academic testing, and testing with accommodations. It is also used by students from other colleges who need proctoring services. The Test Center accepts walk-ins for academic testing. If you have been approved for a reader, scribe, use of Kurzweil, or use of private testing room, email the Test Center to schedule a testing space. Appointment is recommended for placement testing but not required.
Assessments Available at the Test Center
The College uses the ACCUPLACER® to evaluate new students’ course placement based on Reading, Writing, and Math. Testing is available on campus during the Test Center hours of operations. The test can be completed in 1 1/2- 2 hours, but it is untimed. A built-in calculator is available within the test platform if needed. Prior to completing the Accuplacer® many students find the Accuplacer® Study App to be beneficial.
THE ACCUPLACER® test is administered ON CAMPUS:
1. Sign-up for a testing time and date
2. Review Test Center Guidelines
Note: If you have circumstances that pose challenges for you to take the test onsite, please email testcent@harford.edu to express intention, reason, test section to take (Writing, Reading and Math), and preferred date/time of taking Accuplacer through MS Teams. Testing staff will assist you in scheduling testing appointment. Virtual test availability is on a case-to-case basis during Test Center Hours of operations. You must have access to the following technology to test remotely: MS Teams desktop app, computer with audio and video capability, and reliable internet.
Exemptions to Placement Testing
Exemptions for Placement Testing Students with qualifying scores on SAT, ACT, PARCC/MCAP, Accuplacer®, GED®, AP or IB tests OR have a high school
cumulative GPA of 3.0 (unweighted) or higher, may be considered College and Career
Ready and therefore exempt from placement testing. Qualifying scores must be sent
to Admissions for review. Consult an admissions specialist if you believe you may
be exempt or if you have questions.
NOTE: Placement tests exemptions are applicable to degree and credit certificate-seeking students only.
- Those seeking noncredit certificate programs must contact training@harford.edu to determine which assessments are required.
- Those applying for dual enrollment should discuss GPA requirements with their high school counselor.
This test is for students who have taken Pre-Calculus or above and need placement for MATH 109, MATH 203, and MATH 212. For more information, contact Professor Chris Jones at cjones@harford.edu.
To take the Advanced Math Readiness Test on Brightspace, you must have a laptop or desktop computer with reliable internet access and the Google Chrome browser.
This test is for students who wish to test out of BIO 119. Those who score 70% on this exam (after a maximum of two attempts) are eligible to register for BIO 203: Anatomy and Physiology. It is a 100-question multiple choice, CLOSED note exam. You may use a periodic table, conversion chart, and a calculator. Textbooks or any resources other than those listed are NOT ALLOWED.
- You may use any basic chemistry or biology text.
- Refer to the biochemistry practice exam to approximate how much biochemistry you will need.
The test is administered at the Test Center in-person. Email testcent@harford.edu to schedule an appointment for testing and for more information.
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is a multiple-choice assessment of basic skills in the academic content areas of reading, mathematics, science and English and language usage. Successful completion of the test is a requirement for admission to the Harford Community College Nursing Program.
Prior Learning Assessment is a means of obtaining college credits for knowledge gained on the job or through individual study. Harford students can earn up to 45 credits by examination and are encouraged meet with an academic advisor and review the Credit Examination Table to determine how prior learning assessments may fit into their program of study.
1. Create an account.
2. Register for an exam and receive a registration ticket.
3. Submit a CLEP appointment request to the Test Center.
Once your request is verified, bring the following items with you to the test:
- Valid government issued photo ID
- CLEP registration ticket
If you are taking a CLEP exam for College Composition, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, American Literature, or English Literature, determine if your college requires the optional essay. If so, you will be required to pay an additional $10 fee after completing and passing the objective portion of the test. The essay portion will then be ordered and you will complete it at a later date.
Review the Test Center Guidelines prior to coming to campus.
Harford Community College faculty may create division examinations for specific courses. Similar to CLEP, these exams allow you to earn credit without taking a course. The exams are available for a fee and most require prior approval. To request approval, complete the Application for Credit by Division Exam. Once approved, email the Test Center to schedule an appointment to sit for the exam.
DSST exams allow students to test out of, or into higher level courses.
Email the Test Center to schedule an appointment to sit for an exam.