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group of 10 people diverse in age, race, and gender

Learn More.

    Invest in yourself.

    If you're interested in Harford Community College and want to further explore the programs we offer, complete the appropriate form below to tell us your interests or register for an information session. While some sessions are geared to specific programs, others provide general information. Give us a call if you have questions about any of the programs or events listed.

    Harford's Investment in Real-world Education

    If you're 18-24 years old, the HIRE program at Harford Community College provides everything you need to start a career: workforce training, funding, and supports and skills for career exploration, life management, financial literacy, basic computers, academic success, and job readiness.

    Don’t let life circumstances get in the way of your future.
    Complete the interest form below and speak with a Career Navigator.

    High School Status*
    Select one item from above that best describes your high school graduation status.
    Interest Area(s)*
    Select from above all the areas that interest you.
    Personal Information*
    Select all that apply.
    Employment Status*
    Select one.
    If you selected employed above, please provide your hourly wage and the number of hours you work per week.

    By submitting this form you understand that completion of the form does not guarantee enrollment into the HIRE Program.

    Information Sessions:
    Career and Workforce Programs

    These sessions provide an overview of all career and workforce programs offered at Harford Community College. If you're not sure where to start, this is a good place! We'll cover program options, time to complete, funding, and job outlooks.

    Please provide your age range*
    Choose a Date*

    Sessions are 5-6 PM in Edgewood Hall, Rm 132 at Harford Community College.




    Information Sessions:
    Leading Edge Training Center/Ratcliffe

    Learn about the funding that's available for Construction and Trades Training offered at Harford's Leading Edge Training Center Powered by the Ratcliffe Foundation. These programs take place at the Boys & Girls Clubs location in Edgewood, Maryland.

    New Information Sessions are coming soon.