Imagine moving almost 10,000 miles away to a foreign country, where almost everything you encountered was different. Harford is proud to call Linh Truong an alumna and to hold her up as an example of persistence in education.
Harford Community College held its First Annual Scholars Summit, which was sponsored by the College’s Honors Program, on May 25, 2021.
Friday, June 4, 2021 marked a special day for 13 students from the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) at Joppatowne High School, as they participated in their first dual enrolled college course at Harford Community College.
Phoenix Festival Theater is holding auditions for Godspell on Sunday, June 20 from 3 to 7 PM and Monday, June 21 from 7 to 10 PM in the Chesapeake Theater at Harford Community College. Please see attached news release for details.
Harford Community College, a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education, has received $52,440 in supplemental funding from the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program.
Harford Dance Theatre is holding auditions for Harriet’s Happiest Halloween on Saturday, June 19 from 10 AM to 12:30 PM in the Chesapeake Theater at Harford Community College. Please see attached news release for details.
Alumna Tanisha Smith ‘16, recommends Harford to others “because it’s a great community of people who will support you full range in your growth as a student and you’ll obtain the knowledge you need to do well in your career.”
Beth Johnson, Intake & Assessment Specialist at Harford Community College, has been named the recipient of the annual Maryland Association for Adult, Community and Continuing Education (MAACCE) Support Staff Award.
Harford Community College Students Complete CNA Certification
Master watershed stewards work within their communities to identify pollutants, educate their neighbors about stream health, and take actions to reduce human impacts on water quality. Applications are now being accepted for certification as a master watershed steward in the Master Watershed Stewards Academy, a training program at Harford Community College provided by Harford County government’s Watershed Protection and Restoration Office, and University of Maryland Extension.