See “My Father’s Dragon,” based on Ruth Stiles Gannett’s beloved stories, on November 2 at 3 PM in the Amoss Center. Enchantment Theatre Company brings this marvelous adventure for ages 4+ to the stage, reminding us all that we’re never too young to make a difference.
Get help with the Financial Aid process for the 2025-26 school year. Reserve your spot now! Sessions are open to all, whether you’re coming to Harford or any other college: Edgewood/Joppatowne HS, Nov. 12; John Carroll, Nov. 13; and North Harford, Nov. 18; 6:30-8:30 PM.
Harford was awarded a grant for $17,020 by the Maryland Higher Education Commission as part of a statewide initiative to address food insecurity on Maryland college campuses. The grant will help fund sustainable efforts to attend to basic food needs among students.
Tickets are on sale now for Van The Band: The Definitive Van Morrison Experience on Saturday, November 9 at 7:30 PM in the Amoss Center in Bel Air. Van The Band captures the sound and creativity of Van Morrison, paying tribute to the hits every Van fan knows and loves.
Donald Watson was named the first recipient of the Barry Glassman Public Service Scholarship. The award was established to benefit a Harford student entering their second year of study as a political science major who submits a winning essay on civility in government.
WHFC 91.1 FM Radio, in partnership with the HCC Foundation, is holding their fall membership drive October 4-11. Your generosity will help Harford students excel in the Learning Lab and support local college radio in providing music of all genres for the community.
Visit the Gettysburg Visitor Center on Wednesday, November 13, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rich in resources, activities and history about the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War, you’ll learn about the conflicts from beginning to end as well as the terrible aftermath.
Get your tickets now for “The Man in Black: A Tribute to Johnny Cash” on Friday, October 25 at 7:30 PM in Harford’s APGFCU Arena. The one-of-a-kind concert features Shawn Barker in character all evening, taking the audience through each era of Cash’s life and music.
The Kanaras family created a new scholarship for eligible Harford students enrolled in certain workforce training programs. Three of the first recipients of the scholarships were recognized at the Box Hill Pizzaria’s 40th Anniversary Celebration last month.
Wilmington U and Harford have forged a dynamic new partnership, offering students a seamless and accelerated path from associate to bachelor’s degrees. Harford students can fast-track their bachelor’s at lower costs and WilmU will offer qualified students scholarships.