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Frequently Asked Questions

When in doubt, ask Financial Aid.

Financial aid can be both confusing and overwhelming. We want to alleviate your stress by answering some of the most frequently asked questions and providing you with the definitions, tools, and information to make the financial aid process go smoothly.

Have questions that you can't find answers to?
Reach out via phone, email, or live chat and we'll do our best to help.

General Questions about aid

How do I apply for scholarships?
Harford has a central scholarship application at You will use your Harford Owlmail email address and password to log in. Here you can apply for all Harford scholarships with one application, upload narratives, and provide references in one place. Some scholarships may require additional steps or submission of supplemental materials. The deadline for Fall scholarship applications is May 15th and the deadline for Spring scholarship applications is December 31st.

I applied for scholarships on Award Spring. How will I know if I received a scholarship?
If you are selected for a scholarship, you will be notified via your Harford Owlmail email address. After your scholarship is awarded, you will receive instructions on how to write a thank you note to the scholarship donor.

I want to get a part-time job through the Federal Work Study program. What is required to apply?
In order to be eligible for Federal Work Study jobs, you must have at least a 2.00 GPA and be in good financial aid standing, complete a FAFSA® application for the current aid year, demonstrate financial need based on your current FAFSA® application, and be enrolled in at least one course in the semester you want to be employed. You will need to email requesting employment funds. Once we review your eligibility, you will be emailed with next steps.

What if I don’t qualify for grants or scholarships, but I don’t want to borrow a student loan?
Harford offers a tuition payment plan where you pay an initial down-payment, then pay the balance in monthly installments during the semester. You can sign up for the payment plan on Owlnet, Registration and Payment Quick Links card. There is a non-refundable $35 sign up fee for this service.

How do I view my Financial Aid?
On OwlNet, the Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links card.

How do I purchase books with financial aid?
If you have financial aid funds remaining after tuition and fees are paid, you can use these funds, up to $1,200, in the Harford bookstore during specified semester book purchasing dates. Book purchasing dates begin a few weeks before the semester starts and end a few weeks after the semester starts. We do not offer paper book vouchers. You will need to present your HCC ID in the Harford bookstore so the exact amount of your eligible book credit can be determined. You can find what books you need to purchase by going on Owlnet, Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links.

How do I choose a refund preference?
Once you have registered for classes, you should receive a green envelope in the mail from BankMobile with a code to go onto and choose your refund preference. If you didn’t receive a refund code, you can still go to, click “Need a Code?” and receive it via email. If you do not choose a refund preference, it will take longer to receive your refund.

NOTE: If you are younger than 18 years old, you will receive a paper check automatically.

Will financial aid pay for classes that are not needed for my major?
Financial aid, including loans, will only pay for courses that are required for your program of study. Taking courses outside of your program of study can result in you receiving less aid or having to pay for courses out of pocket. You can check Degree Works via OwlNet or check with your academic advisor to be sure courses you enroll in are required for your major.

Financial Aid Offer Notification Questions

How do I find my Harford ID#(HID#)?
Login to OwlNet, click on the circle with your initials in the upper right corner. Click view profile. Your H# will display next to your name.

How do I view my Financial Aid?
Login to OwlNet and go to the Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links card. Click the My Financial Aid Award and Missing Info link. Select Award Offer to view your aid. Scroll down, aid begins at Grants and Scholarships to Pay for College, and continues under Options to Pay Net Cost you will see Loans. If interested in a loan, you will need to accept the loans and complete additional steps listed in the ? next to Loans. Loans may be the only financial aid you qualify for.

How do I get to the Financial Aid Portal and what information is there?
Login to OwlNet and go to the Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links card. Click the My Financial Aid Award and Missing Info link. When in the portal you can obtain more information about a subject by clicking on the  symbol. You should check your Financial Aid Portal regularly for any changes. In the portal you will see the following tabs:

  • Home: Student Requirements and status and helpful links
  • Award Offer: Enrollment Status, FAFSA® info, Cost of Attendance, and all financial aid offered and/or accepted. Award Payment Schedule (disbursement dates)
  • Financial Aid History: Financial Aid awarded while at Harford Community College
  • Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions for your aid
  • Notifications: Messages from financial aid office. 
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): Current and history of your SAP status. See the College Catalog for more detail about SAP.
  • College Financing Plan: Costs and awarded aid in standard format prescribed by the U.S. Dept. of Education to easily compare between multiple higher education institutions.

Will financial aid pay for classes that are not needed for my major?
Financial aid, including loans, will only pay for courses that are required for your program of study. Taking courses outside of your program of study can result in you receiving less aid or having to pay for courses out of pocket. You can check Degree Works via OwlNet or check with your academic advisor to be sure courses you enroll in are required for your major.

How was the Pell grant calculated? Will the Pell grant stay the same no matter how many credits I take?
Your award offer is based on a full-time credit load (12+ credits). If, however, you are enrolled less than full time, your aid package will be adjusted based on your actual credit load.

Why has my aid amount has changed?
Your aid could be adjusted after it is awarded for several reasons. When aid is adjusted we send an OwlMail instructing you to check your Financial Aid Portal> Award Offer tab. These are some reasons that aid could be adjusted. Additional reasons may be specific to your situation.

  • You are no longer enrolled in enough credits for the aid you were awarded. For example: Federal Direct Loans require that you be enrolled in 6 credits or more, and the credits must be in your Course Program of Study. If you drop down to 3 credits you are unable to be awarded a Federal Direct Loan.
  • You have increased or decreased your credits.
  • You have registered for courses that are not in your Course Program of Study and aid is reduced.
  • You have been awarded scholarship.

I don’t see my financial aid. What could be the issue?
You may have some unsatisfied or pending student requirements. Login to OwlNet and go to the Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links card to enter the financial aid portal. Select the correct award year. On Home tab it will list student requirements. Unsatisfied requirements will be listed with  ! . Most requirements you can click on and it will give an explanation and even link you to a form to complete. If a requirement is Pending it means it has not been reviewed yet. Once all requirements are satisfied aid can be awarded. Requirements that are satisfied are listed with a green check mark.

Also, it is possible you completed the FAFSA® for a different academic aid year. Make sure you see Free Application for Federal Student Aid listed as a satisfied requirement for the aid year you are requesting aid. You can also verify that you completed correct FAFSA® by reviewing the email you received from the U.S. Department of Education stating your FAFSA® was successfully completed. The aid year is listed at the top of that email. Academic aid years at Harford start in Fall and end in Summer. For example, Fall 2023 begins the 2023-2024 aid year and Summer 2024 ends the 2023-2024 aid year. If you completed the FAFSA® for the incorrect aid year, please complete the correct FAFSA® at We will receive your FAFSA® in 5-7 days and will contact you via HCC email if we need any additional information and/or if you have been awarded financial aid. You must put our school code 002075 on your FAFSA® so that we can access your FAFSA® results.

I applied for scholarships on Award Spring. How will I know if I received a scholarship?
If you are selected for a scholarship, you will be notified via your Harford OwlMail email address. After your scholarship is awarded, you will receive instructions on how to write a thank you letter to the scholarship donor. You can also see your Scholarships on the Financial Aid Portal explained in How do I view my Financial Aid? question.

How do I apply for scholarships?
Harford has a central scholarship application at You will use your Harford OwlMail email address and password to log in. Here you can apply for all Harford scholarships with one application, upload narratives, and provide references in one place. Some scholarships may require additional steps or submission of supplemental materials. The priority deadline for Fall scholarship applications is May 15th and the priority deadline for Spring scholarship applications is December 31st.

How do I purchase books with financial aid?
If you have financial aid funds remaining after tuition and fees are paid, you can use these funds, up to $1,200, in the Harford bookstore during specified semester book purchasing dates. Book purchasing dates begin a few weeks before the semester starts and end a few weeks after the semester starts. You will need to present your Harford ID in the Harford bookstore so the exact amount of your eligible book credit can be determined.

What does Cost of Attendance (COA) mean?
The Cost of Attendance (COA) is not your bill. It is not what you owe. It is an estimate of typical costs a student incurs while attending school like tuition, fees, books, travel, food, housing, etc.. It is based on average enrollment for Harford students, where you live (in county, out of county or out of state) or if you are considered dependent or independent per the FAFSA®. Every college is required to provide an estimated Cost of Attendance to students. If you would like to see how much you actually owe, you can go to OwlNet, the Registration and Payment Quick Links cards to View/Pay Your Bill. The amount due may not reflect your financial aid award being deducted yet* so you may need to look at your bill and subtract your aid to determine how much you owe (or will be refunded). Often this calculation is done on the top of the “Activity Detail“ section. Financial Aid will be listed in “Current Term Pending Financial Aid Credits.” If no financial aid is listed there or in OwlNet, the Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links | STU card, you may be eligible for a Federal Direct Loan. If you want a Federal Direct Loan, you will need to accept the loan via OwlNet.

*Note: Your bill will be paid with aid 30 days into the semester.

I want to get a part-time job through the Federal Work Study program. What is required to apply?
To apply for Federal Work Study jobs, you must complete a FAFSA® application for the current aid year, demonstrate financial need based on your current FAFSA® application, maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, be in good financial aid standing and be enrolled in at least one course in the semester you want to be employed. You will need to email requesting employment funds. Once we review your eligibility, you will be emailed with next steps.

Can someone else call the Financial Aid Office to ask about my financial aid and/or information?
Since your educational record is protected under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), Harford is not allowed to release information, other than directory information, to another party. In order for us to give your parents or someone else information contained in your records (ex: grades, financial aid information, tuition balances), Harford must have a signed release from the student. You can access the FERPA Disclosure of Information Release on OwlNet, Forms card. Click on FERPA Disclosure of Information Release to complete the form.

How do I register for classes?
The schedule for the upcoming semester is currently posted online at here.

What if my financial aid doesn't cover my tuition cost?
If you still have a balance due after financial aid is awarded, there are other options available:

If I want to pay for my bill out of pocket, what payment methods are accepted?
You can pay by cash, check, or credit card. Payments can be made in person at the Cashier's Office in the Student Center using Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Mail-in payments can be made by check (no cash) and you must include the student's name and Harford ID number. Credit card and E-check payments can be made online through OwlNet (Registration and Payment Quick Links card) or via telephone (credit card only) by calling the Cashier's Office at 443.412.2208.

A parent or guardian may also use these methods to pay a student's bill. You must include the student's Harford ID number, the amount you wish to apply to the bill, and the appropriate payment information.

How do I select a refund preference?
Once you have registered for classes, you should receive a green envelope in the mail from BankMobile with a code to go onto and choose your refund preference. If you didn’t receive a refund code, you can still go to, click “Need a Code?” and receive it via email. If you do not choose a refund preference, it will take longer to receive your refund.

NOTE: If you are younger than 18 years old, you will receive a paper check automatically.

Refunds are not just for Financial Aid. If you drop a class, overpay a fine, etc. you could also receive a refund, so it is important to select a refund preference.

Where can consumer information be viewed?
Student Consumer Information.

Questions about Course Program of Study (CPOS)

Financial aid only pays for courses that are required for your program of study (major). Taking courses that are not a part of your program of study could result in receiving less financial aid and could result in having to pay for courses out-of-pocket. CPOS helps you to stay on track to complete your program and ensures you are utilizing your financial aid for courses toward your degree.

Who does course program of study affect?
Any financial aid recipient who is not taking courses within their program of study (major).

What aid is affected by Course Program of Study? 

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal Direct Loans (Subsidized, Unsubsidized & Parent Plus Loan)
  • Federal Work study
  • Maryland State Aid

How will my aid be affected by CPOS?
Financial aid is based on the number of credits you are taking toward your course program of study. If courses are not in your major, your aid will be reduced. If this reduction in aid causes you to owe a balance you will need to pay the amount due out of pocket or set up payment plan. If your balance is not paid in full (with financial aid*, out of pocket, and/or payment plan) by the payment due date, ALL of your enrolled classes will be dropped.

*Federal Direct Loans are considered financial aid.

How do I determine what course count in my program of study (major)?
Review Degree Works to determine the courses required for your major.

Will courses required for the transfer count toward my program of study?
No. Only courses required for your degree at Harford Community College will count toward your financial aid. This includes students transferring to Towson University North East (TUNE).

I need to be enrolled in 12 credits for a particular grant but only 9 credits in my major can be accommodated this semester. Will my financial aid be affected?
Yes. If a grant or other aid has a credit requirement, only courses in your major can count toward that requirement. Contact financial aid to see if there is other aid you can receive in lieu of that particular grant.

Federal Direct Student Loans required half-time enrollment of 6+ credits. Only 3 out of my 6 credits count toward my program of study. Am I still eligible for student loans since I am enrolled in 6 credits?
No. At least 6 of your credits need to count toward your program of study in order to be eligible for federal direct student loans. Another example: You are enrolled in 12 credits and only 9 are in your program of study. You will be eligible for the loan since 6 credits count toward your major.

I am enrolled in a financial aid eligible certificate program. How does CPOS affect me?
Like a degree program, you only receive aid for the courses required for your certificate. All CPOS regulations and procedures outlined in the FAQs apply to degree and certificate programs.

I am pursing a double major. Will my financial aid be impacted by CPOS?
Courses in both majors are reviewed and aid is awarded based on credits toward both majors. Courses not part of either major will not qualify for financial aid.

I need to repeat a course that I have already taken, does this count toward my program of study?
For the course to be eligible for financial aid you must have passed it initially and retake it only once, presumably for a better grade. A passed course is one where you received a grade of A, B, C or D.


  • Student has already taken CHEM 111 and earned a C but would like to retake to earn a better grade will it be covered for a second time? YES
  • Student took CHEM 111 and earned an F, repeated the course again and earned a C. Will a third attempt be covered? Yes the first attempt will not count as a completion
  • Student is taking CHEM 11 for the third time first attempt student earned a D, Second attempt student earned a C. Will the third attempt be covered? No, FA has covered the previous 2 passing attempts.

I need to complete developmental courses before starting courses toward my program of study. Will these be covered?
Developmental credits are covered as they are required course in order for your program of study. These credits will show as "NOT COUNTED" in your Degree Works audit however, financial aid can cover up to 30 credits in developmental courses. Examples of these credits are any course that begins with 0 like Math 021 or English 017.

FAFSA Questions

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is the first step to finding out what funding you are eligible to receive. The FAFSA® needs to be completed and filed annually. We strongly encourage all new and current students to complete the FAFSA® whether or not you think you will qualify for aid.

To receive a financial aid award you must have already applied to Harford Community College and filed the FAFSA® listing Harford's school code: 002075.

When can the FAFSA® be filled?
FAFSA is an application that must be completed each aid year. The form can be accessed on

What do I do after I apply to Harford and complete the FAFSA®?
Provided your file is complete, you will receive an award notification in April. The Financial Aid Office may reach out to request additional documents. After the initial request for documentation, all correspondence will be through your OwlMail account. You may also check your status by logging into OwlNet and going to the Financial Aid & FAFSA® Quick Links | STU card.

Do I need to reapply every year?
Yes, to continue receiving financial aid, you must complete a new FAFSA® for each academic year. FAFSA® Assistance is available through the Department of Education by calling 1.800.4.FEDAID. (1.800.4.333243)

What kinds of questions are asked on the FAFSA®?
This worksheet gives you examples.

What is the IRS Data Retrieval Tool?
The IRS Data Retrieval Tool allows students and parents who filed their federal tax return to easily, accurately and securely transfer their tax information into the FAFSA® form.

Create a FAFSA® ID
Your FSA ID allows you to electronically sign your FAFSA® form. If providing parent information, one parent must also apply for a FSA ID in order to sign the FAFSA® form. More Information at »»

What tax and income information do I need to complete in my FAFSA®?
The government provides a FAFSA® prep list to tell you exactly what you need to complete the FAFSA®.

Explanation of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

According to Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) regulations, the Financial Aid Office is required to monitor the academic progress of all students each semester. To remain in good standing, you must:

  • Complete a minimum of 67% of cumulative attempted/transferred credits. You must receive an A, B, C or D to complete a course.
  • Achieve a 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average in all classes (transitional classes are included in your Financial Aid SAP GPA).
  • Not exceed Maxtime frame by attempting 150% or more of your program length (transfer credits are included).
  • More information about SAP can be found at

What happens if I do not meet the SAP Standards?
Failure to meet these requirements will result in you being placed on WARNING. At Harford, each student gets one semester of warning if terminated for GPA or Completion. If you have not improved your completion rate and/or the cumulative GPA by the end of the warning semester, you are terminated from future financial aid until you are meeting SAP requirements. Students who are terminated for Maxtime Frame do not get a warning, you are terminated from financial aid at the end of the semester it is determined you cannot complete your program before attempting 150% of its length.

What is the difference between my financial aid GPA and my academic GPA?
Your Financial Aid GPA includes ALL classes you have taken at Harford. This includes transitional courses below 100 level. Your academic GPA only includes courses that are considered college level credit courses completed at Harford.

What happens if I am placed on SAP warning?
Students may request SAP Warning counseling. In the counseling, some of the topics reviewed will be study skills, Harford support services, and personal financial planning. Contact the Financial Aid office to schedule your one-on-one session. While you are on SAP Warning all of your aid remains in effect.

What happens after SAP warning?
At the end of the WARNING semester, if you are still not meeting SAP requirements in both completion and/or GPA, your financial aid will be TERMINATED. If there are mitigating circumstances that affected your ability to meet the SAP requirements, you may appeal the termination status. All appeals must be accompanied by appropriate documentation no later than two weeks before the start of the semester. At the end of the WARNING semester, if you are now completing 67% of your cumulative classes attempted and you have a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher, you will be meeting SAP requirements and will continue to receive aid.

What happens if I am terminated from financial aid? How can I get financial aid again?
If there are mitigating circumstances that affected your ability to meet the SAP requirements, you may appeal the termination status. All GPA and Completion appeals must be accompanied by appropriate documentation. If you are appealing for Maxtime frame you must complete a plan with your advisor to complete your degree. Or if you are terminated for GPA or Completion you may pay for classes without financial aid until you are meeting SAP requirements. Once you are meeting SAP requirements you may receive financial aid again. More detailed information about SAP can be found at

Direct Loans

What types of Federal Direct Loans are available at Harford?

  • Direct Subsidized Loans are available to students with financial need as determined by the The interest that accrues on the loan is paid by the government while you are in school at least half-time (6 credits).
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loans are not need-based. Interest accrues from the date of You are highly encouraged to pay interest while you are in school.
  • PLUS Loans are available to parents of dependent college
  • Loans are financial aid, they’re the type of financial aid that must be paid back with interest.

What are the eligibility requirements for a student loan?
To be eligible for Direct Loans, you must complete a FAFSA® and:

  • Be enrolled in a certificate or degree program
  • Enroll for a minimum of 6 credits within your Course Program of Study (major) each semester
  • Be in good academic standing under the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Not have defaulted on any prior federal education loans or owe an overpayment on a federal education grant

How much in student loans can I borrow per school year?
This depends on your dependency status, what grade level you are considered based on your number of earned credits, and the amount of other financial aid you are receiving. In general, the annual loan limits are:

  • Freshman Dependent Students (0-30 earned credits): $5,500 per school year (including no more than $3,500 Subsidized)
  • Sophomore Dependent Students (31 earned credits or more): $6,500 per school year (including no more than $4,500 Subsidized)
  • Freshman Independent Students (0-30 earned credits): $9,500 per school year (including no more than $3,500 Subsidized)
  • Sophomore Independent Students (31 earned credits or more): $10,500 per school year (including no more than $4,500 Subsidized)

What are the Lifetime Loan Limits for student loans?
Dependent Students: $31,000 (no more than $23,000 of this Subsidized)
Independent Students: $57,500 (no more than $23,000 of this Subsidized)

Can I choose if I get Subsidized or Unsubsidized student loans?
Harford certifies any Subsidized loan eligibility first, which is based on financial need as determined by your FAFSA® results, before we certify Unsubsidized loan eligibility. If you only want Subsidized loans, you can accept only the subsidized loans on OwlNet. Please be aware, you may only qualify for Unsubsidized loans.

I don’t have an established credit history. Can I still get a student loan?
Yes, student loans do not require a credit check or co-signer. Student loans can help you establish “good” credit if you make loan payments on time. Student loans can negatively impact your credit score if you do not make scheduled loan payments or go into default.

What should I consider before borrowing a student loan?
Borrow smart! Borrow only the amount you need to cover tuition and fees, books, and educational costs. The amount you borrow today must be paid back with interest over the life of the loan. The more you borrow, the higher your monthly payments will be once in repayment and more interest will have accumulated. You are strongly encouraged not to borrow at the community college level because once you attend a four-year institution, you may need the bulk of your Lifetime Loan eligibility to cover the higher tuition/costs. Try to utilize scholarships first (if eligible) before borrowing.

How do I obtain a student loan at Harford?
First, you must complete a FAFSA® at to determine your financial need.

Next, You must accept the loan on your OwlNet account using the instructions below once we have received your FAFSA®.

  1. Log into OwlNet> Financial Aid card

  2. Select My Financial Aid: Award and Missing Info

  3. Once in the portal, select the Award Offer tab

  4. In Loan Section select Accept, Decline or Modify and Submit. Once submitted, you are unable to adjust online. If you need to make a change to your loan once submitted OR you want to borrow a one semester loan you will need to complete the Direct Loan Adjustment Form.

    • Accept: You will borrow full amount offered.
    • Decline: You decline the loan offered.
    • Modify: You can reduce amount offered.

*If you are offered and accept subsidized loans you must accept the full subsidized amount before you can accept unsubsidized loans. Please note- you may only be eligible for unsubsidized loans.

  1. Once you accept the loan, complete all requirements listed on HOME tab. Requirements could include E-consent, Entrance Counseling and/or Master Promissory Note. Click DIRECT LOAN INSTRUCTIONS for step-by-step on how to complete these tasks.

  2. Borrowers will receive a Disbursement Memo once the request is reviewed.

  3. Check your OwlMail regularly for correspondence from the Financial Aid Office.

How long does it take to process a student loan once I accept it?
Loans can take 1-2 weeks to process depending on the volume of loans we have coming in. Summer months are the busiest, so it is important to accept your loans early to allow time for us to process it. Refer to the Direct Loan Instructions for Priority Processing deadlines, borrowing limits, and terms and conditions. If you accept your loans on or after the Priority Processing deadline for the semester, it is not guaranteed to be processed before the payment due date and you may need to utilize a payment plan to hold your classes from dropping for nonpayment while the loan is in process if you have no other financial aid. It is also important to complete all loan requirements so that we can process your loan quickly. Not completing required items will prevent your loan from disbursing.

What is the difference between my loan being processed, authorized to my account, or disbursed?
PROCESSED: Aid has been put onto your account, which you can see on your Owlnet account.
AUTHORIZED: Aid has been awarded and is virtually deducted from the amount you owe- but it has NOT actually been applied to (paid) the bill.
DISBURSED: Aid has been applied to (paid) your bill.

How will I receive my loan money?
All financial aid/loans will be disbursed approximately 30 days after the start of the semester, divided equally between the semesters you requested. Tuition, fees, and bookstore charges (if applicable) will be deducted from loan proceeds (and other aid) and any remaining unused funds will be refunded by method of your choice approximately the sixth week of the semester. Your loan proceeds will be combined with other financial aid and you will receive one refund.

What is a loan servicer?
The Department of Education will assign you a loan servicer, who will be in charge of collecting your monthly loan payments once you are in repayment. Harford is not your loan servicer and will not collect loan payments. Your loan servicer will be your point of contact in regards to loan questions and repayment. You will receive communication from your loan servicer letting you know which servicer you have and contact information.

If you have borrowed a student loan before, you can see who your loan servicer is by logging into with your FSA ID. On the My Aid Dashboard, you will see your outstanding student loan balances and on the right-hand side, you will see the name of your loan servicer with the option to make payments.

Can I pay on my loan while I’m in school?
Yes! We encourage you to make payments on your loan while in school to decrease your overall student loan debt and to pay the loan off faster. You do not technically enter repayment until 6 months after you graduate or 6 months after you drop below half-time (6 credits). Contact your loan servicer for information on repayment. There is no pre-payment penalty for paying off your loan early.

What are the interest rates for student loans?
The Department of Education releases new interest rates for the new school year on July 1. In addition to interest, there is also a loan fee charged by the Department of Education. This information can also be found on

I had student loans at another school this aid year and am transferring to Harford. Can I also accept student loans at Harford?
It depends. A student cannot receive aid/loans at two schools during the same time period. Students must also stay within the annual loan limits (listed above) and not exceed their cost of attendance budget in aid. The loan amount you received at your previous school this aid year will be subtracted from your annual loan limit. If there is any remaining loan eligibility left (and your cost of attendance budget is not met), you would be eligible for those loan funds. However, if you still have pending loans at the previous school for this semester, you would need to contact that school’s financial aid office to have the pending loans cancelled in order to receive loans at Harford. Loans do NOT transfer or carry over to other schools.

My parent wants to borrow a Parent PLUS loan. How do we apply?
First, you must complete a FAFSA® at Your parent must apply for the PLUS loan, complete the credit check, and the PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) on Finally, you and your parent will need to complete the Harford Parent Plus Loan Request Form. For PLUS loans, your parent can borrow up to your Cost of Attendance (COA) budget, minus any other aid you are receiving.

Cohort Default Rates

The cohort default rate is calculated using actual payment records of the student borrower. A 3-year cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), October 1 to September 30, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year.

Repayment begins 6 months after a student is no longer enrolled for at least 6 credit hours. Default occurs when a student is in repayment, but fails to make their payment for 270 days or more. Data from the most recent years is provided below. The numbers below represent the 3-year cohort default rate.

Academic Year Cohort / Default Rate

  • 2020-2021 (FY21) = 0.0%
  • 2019–2020 (FY20) = 0.0%
  • 2018–2019 (FY19) = 1.9%
Year-Round Pell Grant

What is a Year-Round Pell Grant?
The Year-Round Pell Grant allows eligible students to receive up to 150% of their Pell Grant Scheduled Award in an academic year. This means students who have already used their full Pell Grant for fall and spring may still receive additional Pell funds for summer, as long as they meet standard eligibility requirements. Students enrolled less than full-time in fall and spring may also have remaining Pell eligibility for summer.

Am I eligible for a Year-Round Pell Grant?
To qualify, you must:

  • Be eligible for Pell Grant funds for the semester.
  • Be enrolled in courses within your approved Course Program of Study (CPOS).
  • Be meeting Student Academic Progress (SAP) standards.

When will I know if I qualify?
Harford will determine Pell Grant eligibility after you register for summer courses. You’ll be notified via OwlMail and the OwlNet student portal.

How much can I receive in a Summer Pell Grant?
Your summer Pell Grant amount depends on:

  • Your Pell Grant usage in fall and spring.
  • Your remaining Pell Grant eligibility.
  • The number of credits you enroll in for summer.

For example, if your total Pell Grant award for the year is $2,000, and you received $1,000 for fall and $1,000 for spring, under Year-Round Pell, you could qualify for up to an additional $1,000 for summer, bringing your total to 150% of your original award. Eligibility for this additional funding depends on meeting all Pell Grant requirements.

Scholarship FAQs

When can students apply for scholarships?

  • Students apply for Harford Community College scholarships for the upcoming academic year beginning March 15 through May 15. Students must complete the general scholarship application to receive consideration for all scholarships. Students need only complete the general application once per academic year.
  • Spring Scholarships will open October 15 and the application will close December 31.
  • To be considered for need-based scholarships, students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Make sure to list Harford Community College on there, our school code is 002075.

How do students log in to apply for a scholarship?

  • Beginning on March 15, accepted, current or returning students use their HCC Owlmail email address and password to sign in.
  • If you are a prospective student and do not have an "Owlmail" email address and password, complete the admissions application, or contact the Admissions Office at 443.412.2109 or
  • Students can apply for all Harford Community College scholarships by completing the general scholarship application through In addition to completing the required fields, students are encouraged to complete all questions to maximize scholarship consideration.

What are Supplemental Materials?
Supplemental materials appear to students who must answer additional questions to receive consideration for scholarships, and may be based on the student’s program or other scholarship criteria. Students are encouraged to complete all supplemental materials as well as the general application. Please note that not every student will be required to submit supplemental materials.

How do students receive confirmation of their complete and submitted application?
Students who submit a scholarship application receive a confirmation email to their Owlmail student email account. Drafted applications are not considered for scholarship awards.

Are transcripts and/or recommendations needed?
Transcripts are not required for some scholarships; however, we highly recommend submitting you current High School or College Transcripts to maximize scholarship consideration.

How do scholarship recipients receive notification of award offers?
If selected, students will be notified by an email sent to their Owlmail student email account. Once you have been awarded you will also receive instructions to write a thank you note to the donor.

Who selects scholarship recipients?
Unless otherwise noted, the Academic Honors Scholarship Committee reviews all applications to determine recipient eligibility.

Financial Aid Book Credit

To use a Financial Aid book credit

How to view if I have a book credit and if so, how much?
To determine if your financial aid is authorized. Follow these steps on OwlNet, the Registration and Payment Quick Links card.

  1. Navigate to "Click Here to View Your Bill, Make a Payment, or Set Up a Payment Plan" under "Activity Details."
  2. Look for a blue band at the top indicating "Current Term Pending Financial Aid Credits." This represents the amount of aid for the semester.
  3. If "Total Amount Due" is a negative number, you owe nothing. You can use this amount (up to $1,200) for book purchases during book purchasing dates. Any unused funds will be refunded. 
  4. If "Total Amount Due" is positive, it reflects the amount you owe. 

For online book ordering through the bookstore: 

  1. Visit
  2. Agree to the course materials agreement.
  3. Add another course, selecting credit and the current term, department, course, and view materials. 
  4. Choose your material format (print, digital, etc.) and add to cart.
  5. Continue checkout twice.
  6. Follow prompts and select payment options.
  7. Log-in or create an account.
  8. Add billing address and continue.
  9. Continue for shipping method.
  10. At payment options, choose payment options to select the book voucher.
    1. Account #: HCC ID# (replace H with a 9)
    2. In the Financial Aid box, click on "Students can use book voucher online here" (backup payment required)
  11.   Click submit payment.