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Nursing Outcomes Data

Harford Community College is proud of our nursing students and faculty and celebrates the successes of our program.

Following is an overview of student achievement outcome data for the Harford Community College Associate of Sciences Degree in Nursing.

Graduates' Success on Licensure Exam

Graduate success on licensure exams is a significant benchmark for any nursing program. Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON) calculates graduates’ success based on the number of graduates who successfully pass the NCLEX-RN on their first attempt.

Harford Community College pass rate for NCLEXRN*
2024: 95.14%  |  2023: 82.17%   |   2022: 76.92%   |   2021: 86.90%   |   2020: 91.37%

Required minimum Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON) pass rate for NCLEX-RN
2024: 82.97%  |  2023: 74.89%   |   2022: 72.75%   |   2021: 76.03%   |   2020: 79.14%  

State average for MBON pass rate for NCLEX-RN
2024:  93.78%  |  2023: 82.93%   |   2022: 82.11%   |   2021: 86.45%   |   2020: 87.78%   

* Pass rates reported by Maryland Board of Nursing are calculated by the fiscal year (July 1-June 30) and combine partial results from two or more classes. Some takers from states outside of Maryland, may be absent from these results.

Students' Completion of the Nursing Program

Program completion is calculated at 100% stated program length (4 clinical semesters) for all students enrolled in initial nursing courses.

Semester Entered: 100% completion (4 Semesters)

Fall 2022: 87.18%
Summer 2022: 89.29%
Spring 2022: 85.71%
Fall 2021: 93.22%
Summer 2021: 87.50%
Spring 2021: 84.62%
Fall 2020: 73.30%
Spring 2020: 71.20%

Fall 2019: 78.01%
Summer 2019: 81.25%
Spring 2019: 88.90%
Fall 2018: 81.70%
Summer 2018: 81.25%
Spring 2018: 85.71%
Fall 2017: 81.13%
Summer 2017: 81.25%

Ref: MBON 2024 Report (7/1/2023—6/30/2024)