“Trials & Triumphs: A History of the African American Experience in Harford County” is on display in Harford’s Hays-Heighe House through February 7. It offers a rich tapestry of the voices and experiences that are woven into the fabric of our collective Harford heritage.
The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is now available to the public.
The Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship provides tuition assistance for eligible applicants to attend community college in their county for FREE! Learn all about it at this free Info Event on Thursday, February 6, 6 to 7:30 PM in Harford’s Edgewood Hall, Room 132.
Major General James D. Turinetti IV, Senior Commander, Aberdeen Proving Ground, made his first visit to Harford’s campus last week since taking command at APG. He met with Dr. Theresa B. Felder and various administrators, and toured our STEM and cybersecurity labs.
Mutts Gone Nuts: Unleashed! will be presented at the Amoss Center in Bel Air on Saturday, February 15 at 3 PM.
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 14 beginning at 6 PM.
Nominations for the third annual Harford Civil Rights Project Leadership Award are open until January 24. The award honors individuals who have made substantial contributions in greater Harford County and/or are from Harford County and have made contributions elsewhere.
Winter ArtsFest will take place on Sunday, February 2, from 3 to 5:30 PM in the Student Center. Hear performances by our music faculty, admire the annual Art + Design faculty and staff exhibit, and mingle at a reception featuring hot jazz, cool drinks, and tasty treats.
Join the ranks of more than 1,000 Harford County leaders from business and industry, education, nonprofit, government, and civic organizations who have graduated from Harford Leadership Academy, co-sponsored by Harford Community College and the Harford County Chamber of Commerce.
The College announces the appointment of Dr. Michele Campagna to the position of Vice President for Student Success effective January 6. Prior to joining Harford, she served as the Assistant Vice President and Dean for Student Success at SUNY Westchester Community College.