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    Get Your Harford ID + Library Card

    New ID Cards
    New and returning Harford Community College credit students who have not received their Harford ID should go to the main desk of the Library during regular hours of operation. No appointment is required.

    Replacement ID Cards
    There is a $15 replacement fee for all lost student IDs.

    Getting Your Harford ID

    1. Go to the  Library's second floor Circulation Desk.
    2. Bring your assigned H# (ID number assigned to all students and employees) and a valid form of identification

    Don’t know your H#? Login to Owlnet, locate the “My Personal Info / All About Me” box. Your H# will display in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

    We accept the following forms of identification:
    Valid Driver's License or Learner's Permit
    Valid State MVA ID Card
    Valid Government ID
    Valid US Passport
    Valid Permanent Resident Card
    Valid Employment Authorization Card
    Valid Visa or Passport From Another Country
    Valid Driver's License From Another Country
    Birth Certificate
    Current Work Photo ID
    Current High School ID
    Current Photo ID from another college

    Employee Information

    Employees will have their Harford Employee ID photo taken at the Library but will not receive their ID on site. Employee IDs are printed by Campus Operations as they are coded for security swipe building access. Once an employee has had their photo saved, they may contact Campus Operations to arrange for pick up of their physical ID card.